ICC Wild Championships

Welcome to the ICC Wild Championships official page. Every 2 months there will be championships for the most popular wild styles. 

These championships will take place the 3rd weekend of every even month on Saturday and Sunday.

Dates and Wildtype:

February   23rd and 24th     Wild 29 - Random Wilds
April   27th and 28st            Wild 25 - Three Checks
June   22nd and 23rd          Wild 17 - Loser's
August  24th and 25th        Wild 27 - Atomic
October   26th and 27th     Wild 23 - Crazyhouse (Zhouse)
December  21st and 22nd  Wild 22 - Chess960 or Fischer-Random


There are in total 4 championships.

On Saturday:
Wild Bullet Champs 1 0 at 16:00: 1 0 for 25 rounds luton style. 
Wild Blitz Champs   3 1 at 18:00: 3 1 for 11 rounds luton style. 

On Sunday:
Wild Bullet Champs 1 0 at 9:00: 1 0 for 25 rounds luton style. 
Wild Blitz Champs   3 1 at 11:00: 3 1 for 11 rounds luton style. 

Tournament Bot:

WildOne in channel 223

Lag rule for the Chessclub.com Championships:

          Bullet                      1,500 ms       2,500 ms
          Blitz                        2,500 ms       4,000 ms

In the above table, if your current lag (not average) consistently exceeds the first column AND you are delaying the tourney, your game may be forfeited.  If your lag is very severe (exceeds the second column), the tournament manager may remove you from the tourney without waiting for you to delay the tourney.  The manager will often use setgame to set the current game and keep the player in the tourney.  The manager has discretion whether to setgame for one round or remove the lagging player from the tourney.  Re-entry into the tournament is at the discretion of the manager.

Free trial members

Free trial members are invited to participate.  However, free trial members can not win prizes.


Chessclub.com Administrators and Tomato Managers have full discretion regarding determination of computer cheating and action to be taken.  There is no need to have absolute proof of computer cheating prior to action being taken.  Suspicious circumstances (ie players losing many rating points just before a Qualifier) may be sufficient for action to be taken.

If you suspect a player of computer cheating, please do not make accusations in the tourney channel.  If you suspect someone of using computer assistance in a Championship event (or any games at Chessclub.com for that matter) read "help Speedtrap" for info on how to make a claim.  Players caught cheating in any form can be disqualified at any stage in the Championship.


You must use a version of BlitzIn, Dasher or Fixation.  Other interfaces will not be permitted to join.


ICC is awarding membership extensions for the winners, in all 4 sections:

1st - 6 weeks
2nd - 4 weeks
3rd and 4th - 2 weeks
1st u1600 - 4 weeks
(Has to have already a best rating prior to the tournament (aka atleast 20 games played in that wild) and must not be higher then 1850)
2nd u1600 - 2 weeks
(Has to have already a best rating prior to the tournament (aka atleast 20 games played in that wild) and must not be higher then 1850)

WildExpert Rewards

In these new wildchampionships there will also be wildexpert rewards but the format is yet to be determined.

Last updated:  Feb 18th, 2013 by Lisebeth